Thursday, September 2, 2010

Isaac Family Portraits - July 24, 2010

Behind the Scenes: the Making of a Great Gin & Tonic - July 11, 2010

Featuring: Robert Vieira, Barista extraordinaire

Merry & Dan - July 10, 2010

Sarina's High School Graduation - June 24, 2010

Amber's Pin-Up Shoot - June 19, 2010

Amber a la 1950's pin-up chick ;) Fishnets and red lipstick and stilettos, oh my!

Becky & Mike's Wedding!

I still remember playing in the Hochstein flute choir with Becky in high school... so you can imagine how excited I was when she asked me to photograph her wedding! She was a beautiful bride, and Mike is such a sweet guy. Congrats you two!